The first advantage of handbag is to make profits for businesses. It's strange that businesses are not excited about such mobile advertising benefits. Therefore, handbag has both the replacement point of media and the embellishment of marketing power. Such hope and ideas are integrated together to produce strong benefits. 2. The birth of handbag, as the name implies, is a marketing point and also the focus for businesses to see. There is a marketing plan for this, which is definitely the result that businesses want to see. 3. Although there are limitations in design, it is ingenious, tactful, novel and unique. It is definitely a business opportunity that businesses are unwilling to let go. This is the soul and access point of design. 4. It can ease the pressure on people's hands, and it is easy and convenient to carry. It also plays a role of communication for enterprises with such mobile advertisements, and makes the marketing model more expressive.